Frametech Process
If you are looking for speed to beat your project deadlines, cost minimization and a solid return on your investment, while being environmentally friendly, then Frametech Light gauge steel structures using Framecad Building Technology is the solution.
Our system has been well proven in design and build projects all around the world, in differing climates, extreme weather conditions and remote locations. The technology has been developed to be simple, economical to operate and 100% reliable. Structural Steel represents the highest quality building material since it is subject to rigid international standards of strength.

– Competitive price compared to traditional wood framing.
– Structural integrity is not compromised.
– Savings in time due to high speed production and rapid construction.
– Rapid on site erection due to high accuracy of structural members.
– Labor savings due to the light weight members and easier handling.
– Can be prefabricated in the factory hence saving in erection time and labor.
– Maximum efficiency and waste reduction to less than 3%.
– Environmentally friendly: over 66% of steel is recycled.
– Minimal maintenance required.
– Termite and fungus resistant.
– The strength to weight ratio of steel is 300% higher than wood.
– Screws, nuts and bolts eliminate squeaks, nail pops and need for repairs.
– Steel offers consistent strength all the way through the members. This is because steel does not have knots.
Frequently Asked Questions
How strong are steel structures?

The strength to weight ratio of steel is 300% higher than wood, it also offers consistent strength all the way through the members.
What is the cost compared to wood?

The price of steel is relatively the same as that of seasoned timber.
How safe is a building in the unfortunate event of fire?

Frametech structures are non-combustible and will not add fuel to fire or collapse as easily as wood does.